Jun 26Liked by Beth Anne Fisher

The spiral of the both/and, feeling it all and letting it all exist at the same time. 🥰🥰 Not easy, but I think it's worth it! Love you so much friend!!

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Agreed. Healthy discomfort to hold the paradox, friend, but quite worth it. Thank you :)

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Sending love and light your way on this windy path of discernment. One thing I know for sure, whatever you decide, the people you will be working with (in whatever capacity) will be lucky to have you!

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Christine, what a gracious and generous bit of encouragement. What didn’t make it into this post was that I still have a semi-secret strong pull towards chaplaincy, but I don’t have it in me to go back into academia and get another degree so I can do the thing…so appreciate your keeping up with my writing!

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Ooh we can talk about this - there might be a path to get you in the door to chaplaincy, or at least a first unit of CPE to help with your discernment. I'll send you a message

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Jun 26Liked by Beth Anne Fisher

As someone who has also engaged in deep inquiry around the work I do in the world and has gotten caught in some previous eddys and spun out in various ways, I so much appreciate this process you are in with yourself -- and your transparency in sharing it with us. Yes, holding paradoxes is so much of the key to navigating through it, I believe. Being willing to stretch ourselves into zones of discomfort, and to become more familiar with uncertainty. Trusting that the path will open... I love the quote you shared at the beginning, trusting the wings more than the branch.

If it's any help, I wrote a whole book about this kind of stuff! "Work That Matters: Create a Livelihood that Reflects Your Core Intention" -- it might be supportive to your process. But you seem to be doing just fine, so I offer you all my respect and encouragement!

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Maia, I so appreciate your offering your thoughts here. I have been delinquent in letting you know that after you posted a bit of your book a couple months ago, I went out and purchased a copy of it. I’ve just begun it and look forward to receiving your ‘take’ on all of this. Thank you for sharing you labor of love with us. I’ll be sure to keep you posted!

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