Sep 17Liked by Beth Anne Fisher

Your sharing completely aligns with my journey, Beth. I am pursuing some therapy from the Internal Family Systems work by Richard Schwartz to unpack some of my internal "exiles" and "protectors" who have done such a good job of insulating me from harm, that I found myself unable to finish the sentence "What I want next is.....". I see this also as the classic female position of identifying with such clarity the needs of the Other, that I now search for the words to express my own. The current full moon shines on us to offer better light in the dark times, and a chance to shed that which no longer serves us. I raise my cup to you this morning in appreciation for your offering and a shared phenomenon.



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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing a snippet of your current path, Teri. I can relate so much. As I began the recovery process, asking myself what I wanted was such a challenge for the beautifully stated reasons that you offered. I don't even know what I wanted for lunch! Learning to have my own wants, needs, and preferences had been a core part of this work. And the IFS model is so helpful. Hugs for your journey!

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Sep 18Liked by Beth Anne Fisher

Thank you, Beth. Enjoy your family time soon. :)

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Thank you for sharing this. I’m going to be starting an exploratory orienting practice today because of this. Your experience resonates with me deeply as I too have always connected my own wellbeing to the wellbeing of others around me - whether they’re important to me or not. This article was a much needed reminder that I need to continue working on this. Thank you!

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Liz, I so appreciate your thoughtful response. The resonance here is real for us. And what you say is so true- whether they're important to us or not! I'm so conditioned to even bend over backwards for a complete stranger at times to my own detriment! What!? This is quite a journey. Lots of love for your practice💜

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